What we can do to help you
- Free valuations & market appraisal if you are thinking of selling
- Web site advertising on www.copelands.co.uk
- Extensive internet advertising on top national property web sites
- All properties promoted through our computerised mailing list
- Sales particulars featuring internal and external color photographs
- Viewing follow up with feedback reports for our customers
- Our vivid for sale boards help get your property noticed
- Arrange Energy Performance Certificates – ask for a free no obligation quote!
- We can provide accompanied viewings on unoccupied properties or whilst you are away on holiday
- Ongoing marketing appraisal with regular updates to clients
- We can arrange conveyancing by local solicitors – ask for a free no obligation quote!
- Liaising with other estate agents and solicitors during your sale to check progress and keep you informed
We are here to deal with all your property needs and enquiries so pop in and see us or call us today and see how we can help you!
We will sell your property expertly and efficiently, making your sale as hassle free as possible.

1. Contact your solicitor as soon as a buyer has been found or you are optimistic that an offer will shortly be made, so that your solicitor can do the following: –
a) Apply for the title deeds from the lender, to ensure that there is no delay in issuing a contract once negotiations have been finalised.
b)Give you a breakdown of the costs involved
c) A sale questionnaire and fixtures and fittings list will need to be completed by you to enable the solicitor to issue the contract promptly
2. A draft contract will be issued to the buyer’s solicitors together with all the necessary supporting documents. When the contract has been approved, you will be asked to sign this in readiness for exchange of contracts.
3. When the buyers have received their local search and mortgage offer and their solicitor is satisfied as to the title, the solicitor will negotiate a completion date and the deposit. Contracts can then be exchanged.
4. On the day of completion once the solicitor has confirmed transfer of funds you can then handover keys. The Solicitor will redeem your existing mortgage and settle our account.

1. When you have agreed to purchase a property you will then need to instruct your solicitors.
2. Your solicitor will ask you to complete a Purchase Questionnaire, the answers to which will assist us in their enquiries. They will also ask you for money on account so they can carry out the preliminary searches.
3. When they receive the contract from the seller’s solicitor, they will: –
a)Apply for the local search, and any other searches they consider appropriate
b) Approve the contract and title. They may feel it necessary to raise additional enquiries of the seller’s lawyer. When they are satisfied that all is in order, they will return one copy of the contract to the sellers solicitors for signature in readiness for the exchange of contracts.
4. If you require a mortgage, the offer has to be received from the lender before exchange of contracts.
5.If you are arranging any new endowment or life policies, acceptance of risk must be received from the insurance company before exchange of contracts.
6. When they have received the local search and offer of mortgage and have satisfied as to the title, they will report to you and ask you to sign the contract and mortgage deed. They will also ask you for the deposit to be used on exchange of contracts. If you have a related sale, they will usually be able to arrange that the deposit received from your buyers is used for your purchase and passed up the chain.

1. At this stage, you are ready to arrange an exchange of contracts once a completion date has been agreed. It is at this stage that stress levels rise! However, we are here to take the strain. The majority of people buying and selling are involved in a CHAIN! This means that there is a linked series of transactions and EVERYBODY wants to sell and buy on the same day so that they do not have to pay for bridging finance or rented accommodation. We therefore have to wait until all parties in the chain have: –
a)A mortgage
b) A local search
c)Title approved
d) Agreed completion date
2. When the exchange has taken place, the completion date is legally binding and you can now swing into action and organise your move. The following are just a few reminders of things you should deal with: – a) Arrange a contents and buildings insurance (we can provide a quote for this)
b) Contact gas, Electricity, Water and Telephone services. Arrange for meters to be read and accounts to be transferred.
c) Book the removal van.
d) Cancel Bankers Order for mortgage payments, AFTER exchange of contracts
e)Notify local Authority of move and arrange apportioned account for council tax.
f) Notify::
All insurance companies
- Premium Bonds Office
- Employer
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Schools
- Church
- Clubs
- Banks
- Building Societies
- Relatives and Friends
g) Arrange for friends to look after the children and pets on moving day!
h)Arrange for mail to be re-directed

1. The solicitor will let you have a statement showing all the costs and disbursements due and will draw this up as soon as possible so that you can arrange to let them have the balance four days before completion.
2. On completion day, if you have a sale, your solicitor must wait for the buyer’s solicitor to send us the sale money by telegraphic transfer before they can send out the money by the same method of purchase. This means that it is unlikely that you will get the keys to your new house before lunch time on the day of completion. We would suggest that you do not leave your old house, before you have checked with us that it is order for you to do so. If you just have a purchase, they can usually send the money quite early on the morning of completion, but you are unlikely to get the keys before mid day as you allow the seller time to vacate the property.

We hope this guide will be of some assistance and remove some of the uncertainty associated with moving house If you are happy with the service you have received, please tell you friends and colleagues.